Hurry up: the 9th edition of Sala Montjuic, an open-air film festival, will end on the 5th of August.

Friday 22/07:

And what if I’m saying that you do just you don’t know about them.May I show You them?
See, as I said,you have passed them at least hundred times without noticing them.
But who are the artists?
Let’s start with Rebecca Horn, since the beginning of the 1970s she has been making performances, films, sculptures, spatial installations, drawings and photographs. “The essence of their imagery comes out of the tremendous precision of the physical and technical functionality she uses to stage her works each time within a particular space.” If I had to give her a “calling-word” it would be one of her first performances, The Feathered Prison Fan ( 1978).
Frank Owen Gehry is one of the most important and famous contemporary architects. The Guggeinheim Museum in Bilbao or the Dancing House in Prague, does it ring a bell?
His style is called Deconstructivism or also post- structuralism (when the form of the building does not follow the function). In some works of him he is associated with the “Los Angeles School” and the “Santa Monica School”.
He is inspired by fish….. NO, really, I’m not joking! He explains why: "Three hundred million years before man was fish....if you gotta go back, and you're insecure about going forward...go back three hundred million years ago. Why are you stopping at the Greeks? So I started drawing fish in my sketchbook, and then I started to realize that there was something in it."
During the years it became a tradition that in Hungary the translation came out around Christmas, so I always knew exactly what I would read during the Christmas holiday. Actually, I couldn’t wait until December with the last 3 books and I read them in English. The Main Library in my home town bought them in several languages, but no one read it in English or Spanish except for me and my sister…
Time was passing by, there was no Christmas to wait with a new episode, but something still remained: the new movie episode. When they were on in the cinema, I was certain that it was summer. I had already finished my exams so I didn’t have to feel guilty just because I was going to watch them.
And now I have finished university, and the series have come to an end too.
So from this time there's no more camping-youth-festival in Trafalgar Square with fans waiting for the new movie episode like in previous years - but to be frank, I would never try it again anyway; I think I’m too old now and also a bit sceptic. If I were in London now, I’d rather go and look for a nice flat to stay, just like this one, but it’s just my opinion.
All in all, thank you Harry to be a part of my childhood and my teenage years, I’ll never forget you and promise that during the Xmas holidays I’ll always read the books all over again, and during the summers me and me friends will have non-stop Harry Potter movie maratons.