What do buyers consider to be the best areas when buying property in Barcelona? What do people like best?
It depends on the season actually. I found that during the winter period, the most attractive area is Ciutat Vella, notably the Gotico and El Born. People like this area when they are looking for authenticity, something very Catalan, small streets, and areas with originality. These are the areas where you find a vibrant city life. In the spring time, as it is now, people figure out that the biggest advantage of living in Barcelona is having the sea so close. All of a sudden, I am receiving much more interest for coastal areas, by the beach. That would be Barceloneta, Vila Olimpica and Poble Nou. Poble Nou is an area that is not really famous yet, but actually people that know a little bit more about Barcelona and have lived here for long time, recognize it for its value. Some areas can be slightly more expensive, but it is very calm, it has a very nice village type of life, notably areas like Plaza Prim, Carrer de Maria Aguilo and the Rambla de Poble Nou. It is still very near to the beach, and quite a nice neighborhood.
Do you have many customers that are already familiar with Barcelona or are they mainly new-comers?
No, generally, people that are looking to buy a property do already know a bit about Barcelona. This is their biggest investment and they do not want to do it in a city they do not know yet. Or if they are not familiar with the city yet, they get to know it first and then decide on what to purchase.
Are there many clients interested in big investments in property at the moment?
Yes, I’ve got a lot of clients interested, things are quite dynamic. The market is sort of picking up again. At least, in the sense that people are interested in buying, people know that the prices are low, and they know that is the best time to invest. Prices can go only up from now on. So, financially speaking it is a good time. A lot of people are trying to make the most out of it.
What is the price range clients are looking for? It depends on area, size…what more?
It depends mostly on the client. Casamona works with stylish, above-average level properties and also its clients are people who can afford this. I get requests for flats that can range up to 600.000 euros. The very, very nice flats are for around 400.000 -500.000 euros. And I am always getting requests for around 200.000, modern style apartments. But in this case, they are not situated in the areas I just described like El Born or Vila Olimpica, just because this amount is generally too low for these areas.
What about the situation for houses?
So, people prefer to invest in a flat when they buy a property in Barcelona?
Barcelona is known for its nice flats and if a client wants a house he has to go out in the outskirts of Barcelona.
What do clients buy a property for – as primary residences or secondary homes?
We have a lot of diversity in terms of what clients are looking for. A big classic is a secondary home. Clients want to have a pied-à-terre in Barcelona, which means they live in Switzerland, in Denmark, in Holland and when they come back here, they want to have their own place in Barcelona. Just for the summer, for holidays, or to come here once in a while. This is the most frequent reason for a purchase from foreign buyers.
Another reason is buying for investment purposes. Buying a flat that a client considers to be relatively cheap in price, refurbish it and put it up for rent.
The third option is actually people moving to Barcelona for long period, people looking for their primary home. Then it is more complicated, because the choice will have greater impact for the client’s life. In such cases, buyers want to make sure that it is all perfect. When it is for a holiday house, people want it to be nice and comfortable; they do not pay that much attention to the area’s conveniences as school, hospital, etc. In such a case the process of finding is much easier and faster.
Do clients look for furnished or non-furnished flats?
This is not really applicable in sales. It is almost an insignificant detail. They discuss it in the last moment. Generally, people do not need it furnished. When buying flat or house, they want to decorate it their own way. Most owners are willing to sell the furniture if the buyers like it.
Why move to Barcelona? Why have a flat or house here?
There are million and one reasons I can think of. I think that it is one of the most attractive European cities to live in because of its climate, because of its people, because of its life. Also, in terms of culture, in terms of food, in terms of night life. Anything you could possibly be looking for in a city, Barcelona has it. The city is situated between the sea and the mountain and any activities related to sea and mountain could be done here. Obviously, the weather is a key determinant.
We have many clients from the North Europe? Is it all because of the sun?
Yes, they come here because of the sun, the fantastic life-style mainly.
Who are the Casamona customers for sales?
As you said, many Northern Europeans- Scandinavians, French, Dutch, British, Italians and some Americans. We also have a few Catalan clients.
How would you describe Casamona’s clients?
Ambitious, looking for the best possible place. And I would also say enchanted, in the way that they want to find something really nice, that reflects their mood when they are here. And poetic- some of them are just looking for something that will inspire them on daily basis- just having beautiful house, beautiful flat and beautiful environment. Our clients are also realistic, when spending a lot of money, they know what they want out of it.
Who is looking to buy an apartment in Barcelona? Singles or families?
More often the clients are couples and families as it is easier for them financially speaking. And the long-term commitment of buying a property seems to be more attractive for couples and families.
Do the clients already know the buying procedures before contacting Casamona?
Not all. There are some experienced buyers that know how the process works, all the legislations, all the paper work, and legal procedure. There are also people who contact us for their first purchase and are a bit confused. Then Casamona provides them with in-depth consultancy for everything related to the buying process.
So, Casamona can help anyone looking to buy property?
Yes, absolutely! Casamona has the right point of contacts. Let’s say a client needs a mortgaging advice, we can make contact for him/her with an expert in that field. Additional information about buying procedures can be read on our website.
What is the most-wanted type of flat?
Typically, two-bedroom flats, with a nice open area as a dining room, a kitchen, and a terrace. That is the classic type of flat that Casamona’s clients will look for, and that Casamona offers.